husqvarna viking stitch d cards in Riverdale
husqvarna viking stitch d cards Riverdale
husqvarna viking stitch d cards Riverdale.The display shows the orginal straight stitch.If i put one of the other cards in, i can chose any stitch and it will work.
Apr 20, 2009 hi rachel, i just tried both stitches and they work fine.
Apr 20, 2009 sorry radcal for calling you rachel.
It was a typo.
Apr 27, 2009 i am taking the card back.
Thanks for your suggestions and help.
May 07, 2009 i had the card tested and it is fine.
The problem seems to be my machine requires an undate to read the k2 card.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
May 09, 2009 the card is fine.
It appears the problem is my machine requires an update to read it.
Thanks for the help though.
May 11, 2010 husqvarna makes sewing machines?
I thought they only made chain saws, weed whackers, and dirt bikes.
Check the card for any stray bits blocking the holes or tabs, and check where the card goes for any foreign objects.
If neither of those turn out to be the source, take the card back to where you got it and compare to another d card.
If there are no defects on your card, you may need to take it into the shop.
May 11, 2010 info for penomik, husqvarna started building sewing machines in 1872.
What many people think represents a crown in the logo is actually a gun site as the company has also made cannon and firearms for many years.
Now for the machine problem, when the machine makes noise with the questionable card, is it making any kind of stitching motion at all?
Does it sew in place?
What card is malfunctioning and which ones do you have that work normally?
This could malfunction where a regular width stitch is ok.
May 11, 2010 to radcal, thanks for the corporate background info.
Next thing someone will tell me that hyundai makes earth moving equipment.
Hey, wait a minute.
Ï»¿ delay the scorecard for whatsoever stray bits blocking the holes or tabs and delay where the scorecard goes for whatsoever foreign objects.
If neither of those turn out to be the generator return the scorecard back to where you got it and compare to another d scorecard.
Nowadays for the car job when the car makes noise with the questionable card is it making any kind of stitching motion at all.
Ï»¿ if neither of those turn out to be the generator return the scorecard back to where you got it and compare to another d scorecard.
Nowadays for the car job when the car makes noise with the questionable card is it making any kind of stitching motion at all.
Ï»¿ nowadays for the car job when the car makes noise with the questionable card is it making any kind of stitching motion at all.. husqvarna viking stitch d cards
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